mysqldump for Developers

Peter Lavin


Table of Contents

1. Options You Must Know
2. A Few Use Cases
3. Uploading To a Production Server
4. The Limits of mysqldump
5. About the Author

Once you have created a database on your development server you will eventually need to copy it to a production environment. The best way to do this is to use the mysqldump program, one of the numerous programs that are part of the MySQL package. As a developer, you may find that this client program is second only to mysql in usefulness. This command can copy all of your databases, a specific database or just one table within a database. You can even select specific records within a specific table, copy only the structure of a database or copy both the structure and the data.

You also have a choice of how the data is formatted. Typically mysqldump is used to export an SQL script of a database but you can export comma-separated text files for use in a spreadsheet or you can create XML files; all this simply by specifying a different command line option.

Database development work is usually done on a local machine and when complete, the database is transferred to a production server. Since mysqldump creates a plain text file, in virtually every case, the operating system (OS) of your development environment is irrelevant to the OS used in the production environment. You can create your database locally on a Mac or Windows, dump it, and import it into a MySQL server running under Linux, making no changes whatsoever. Likewise, you can develop under Linux and deploy to Windows.

Usually, the results of executing mysqldump are redirected to a file using the redirection operator, '>'. The following example dumps a database to a file named output.sql:

shell> mysqldump db_name > output.sql

By default output is sent to the screen, but usually this is not very helpful. If you only want to inspect a limited selection of data or view the structure of a table, for example, it is easier to use mysql with the --execute option as shown in the following:

shell> mysql db_name -e "SHOW CREATE TABLE table_name\G"

Transferring a database from one machine to another is best accomplished by importing an SQL file created by redirecting the output of mysqldump. This article deals with the various ways that databases (or parts of databases) can be exported using this utility. However, for the sake of simplicity, most of the examples won't redirected output to a file.

1. Options You Must Know

The mysqldump command has numerous options. They are all useful, in specific circumstances, but many of them are used infrequently by the average developer. This article deals in detail with those that are commonly used and those that aren't used as frequently, but are regarded as indispensable. When appropriate, closely related options are also explained. For example, you can't really talk about the --tables option without mentioning the --databases option.

For options that are not described here use the --help option and refer to the documentation on the MySQL website. Specifying an option at the command line can sometimes save you hours of work. For example, imagine writing a program to convert all database objects into XML format and compare that to specifying the --xml option at the command line.

As with most client programs, the mysqldump command requires the --host, --user and --password options and, depending upon your OS, the --port option. The --host and --port options default to localhost and 3306 respectively and if you set up a configuration file, you need not worry about specifying the --user and --password options from the command line; these options should be set in the [client] section of your configuration file.

The most commonly used options, showing the long form followed by the short form (if available), are as follows:

  • --all-databases (-A) - Backup all databases.

  • --databases db_one db_two ... (-B) - Dump the specified databases.

  • --no-create-db (-n) - Do not generate CREATE DATABASE statement(s).

  • --no-create-info (-t) - Do not generate CREATE TABLE statement(s).

  • --no-data (-d) - Do not write any data, copy the structure only.

  • --opt - This option is a group of options and it is on by default.

  • --where='where_condition' (-w 'where_condition') - Export only the records that match the WHERE clause.

  • --xml (-X) - Create output in XML format.

These options are dealt with in detail in the following sections. Not every option warrants its own section and where it makes sense related options are discussed together.

1.1. Dumping a Single Database

In many circumstances you will want to dump the entire contents of a single database. To do this no options need be specified. The mysqldump command treats any text not preceded by a single or double dash as a database name. To dump a single database enter mysqldump db_name.

If any text follows the database name and is not preceded by a single or double dash it is assumed to be a table name and not an option. Dumping a specific table or number of tables is done in the following way:

shell> mysqldump db_name table_one table_two 

In this case the first word following mysqldump is treated as a database name and any other text is treated as a table name; table_one and table_two from the database db_name are the only tables included in the database dump.

You can of course specify other options along with a database and tables. Options can even be specified between the database name and the table name(s). The following command executes without any problems:

shell> mysqldump db_name table_one table_two  --xml

1.2. The opt Options

The --opt option is a group of options that are turned on by default. You need to know about them because there are circumstances where you will want to turn some of these options off. This group of options is made up of the following individual options:

  • --add-drop-table - Add a DROP TABLE statement before the CREATE TABLE statement to the dump file.

  • --add-locks - Add LOCK TABLES and UNLOCK TABLES statements to the dump file.

  • --create-options - Include all the MySQL-specific table creation options.

  • --disable-keys - Disabling keys speeds up INSERT statements.

  • --extended-insert - Instead of creating a single INSERT statements for all records, create one statement for each record in a table.

  • --lock-tables - During the mysqldump process, lock tables.

  • --quick - Use this option to conserve memory during the mysqldump process.

  • --set-charset - Add a SET NAMES default_char_set to the output file.

The performance related options such as --disable-keys may be of concern if you are uploading a large database to a busy server but the options that will most concern developers are --add-drop-table, --create-options and --extended-insert. There are circumstances where you may not want to drop tables; when you are adding data to an existing database, for example. If you want to export to a database other than MySQL, you may want to turn --create-options off since they are MySQL-specific. The --extended-insert option creates a separate INSERT statement for every record so using this option may make it easier to edit the dump file. Additionally, you may wish to transfer your data to a different relational database management system (RDBMS) that doesn't support the extended INSERT syntax.

You can turn off the --opt group of options using the --skip-opt option. If you wish to use some of the --opt options and not others, use --skip-opt followed by the option or options you wish to turn on. For example, to turn off all of the --opt group except the --add-drop-table option use mysqldump in the following way:

shell> mysqldump db_name --skip-opt --add-drop-table


When using the --skip-opt option, the order of the options is important. The --add-drop-table option must follow the --skip-opt option otherwise the --skip-opt option will turn the --add-drop-table option off.

1.3. The all-databases Option

This is a very useful option for copying all databases, all database objects and all the data on a specific server. It is the easiest way of backing up the entire contents of a server, though it need not always be used this way; it can be used with other options. For example, if used with the --no-create-db option then CREATE DATABASE statements will not be generated.

If you want to move everything on one server over to another server then this is the command to use. All you need do is specify the mysqldump command followed by the --all-databases option.

shell> mysqldump --all-databases

One thing that you must know when using only this option is that the SQL script file created by mysqldump drops each table before recreating it. (This is because --add-drop-table is on by default as shown in Section 1.2, "The opt Options".) If you are creating a backup of an existing server then you need not be concerned. However, if the target server has databases that you wish to preserve intact, then you need to exercise a bit of care when importing a file created using this option. If you have databases on the target server with the same name as databases on the source server, then you run the risk of overwriting existing tables. There is no --dry-run option to test the consequences of running a script file, so back up the target server beforehand if you have any concerns. You can also use the --no-create-info option so that tables common to the same databases will be not be dropped, but again caution should be exercised. You run the risk of possibly corrupting or overwriting existing data.

Another consideration when you create a dump of all databases, is that you are creating a copy of the mysql database, the built-in database that keeps track of user passwords and privileges. When you import this dump into a different server you run the risk of overwriting the existing tables in the mysql database. Be sure that this is what you want to do.


While the mysqldump command does copy the mysql database it ignores the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database.

It would be nice if there was an --ignore-database db_name option that you could use along with the --all-databases option so that you could dump all databases except those specified, but no such option exists. There is no easy way to ignore a specific database. As an alternative you can use the --databases (see next section for more detail) option and name all the databases you wish to copy. If this is too tedious, another approach is to dump all databases and then manually remove from the output file any SQL statements related to unwanted databases-quite feasible if you are not dumping any data.

1.4. The databases Option

When you want to dump more than one database but not all the databases, use the --databases option. This option is used in the following way:

shell> mysqldump --databases db_one db_two ...

The same warning that applied to the --all-databases option applies here; this option used by itself creates a script that drops and recreates existing tables on the target server so once the file is executed any existing data will be lost. If you are creating new databases on the destination server then this is not an issue. On the other hand, if all you want to do is transfer data into existing tables, use the --no-create-info option as well as the --databases option. Use the --no-create-info option and no database objects will be created.

When you import data into a table that already has records in it, there is always a chance that there will be duplicate data and perhaps duplicate primary keys. What happens when this occurs is determined by the server option, sql_mode. How this option is set depends upon circumstances.

If the databases you are dumping have only test data in them and you want the database objects only, then use the --no-data option.

1.4.1. The tables Option

The --tables option is mentioned here not because it is particularly useful but because it can be misleading. The terse description of this option given on the MySQL website, "Override the --databases option", does not really explain how it is used and can give the impression that you can dump a number of databases and, at the same time, select tables from one or more of those databases.

In Section 1.1, "Dumping a Single Database" you saw how mysqldump treats text not explicitly preceded by an option; namely the first word is treated as a database name and any other word or words as table names-effectively the --tables option is on by default. The --databases option turns off this default behavior and treats all text as database names. The --tables option exists solely to revert to the default and turn the --databases option off.

Find below a syntactically correct but unnecessary use of the --tables option:

shell> mysqldump -B db_one --tables table_one table_two

Issue the command above and table_one and table_two will be dumped from the db_one database because -B turns on the databases option and the --tables option negates it. You'll get exactly the same result using only the database name and the table names.

From the command line it doesn't make sense to turn on the --databases option and then immediately turn it off using the --tables option. You can simply execute the statement mysqldump db_one table_one table_two. In what circumstances is the --tables option useful then? Using the --tables option only makes sense when you are overriding a --databases option set from a configuration file and this is the sole reason for the existence of the --tables option.

The preceding code example also indicates the one circumstance where order of options is important: If one option negates another, then the last option specified is the one in effect. Otherwise, the order of options is irrelevant.

The --tables option is similar to the MySQL client program option --no-tee-it also doesn't make sense unless the --tee option, has been set in a configuration file. The default action of the client program is to send output to the screen and the --tee option redirects output to a file. For this reason the --no-tee option only makes sense from the command line when --tee has already been set in a configuration file.

One lesson to be learned from this is that options specified at the command line have the highest precedence, overriding configuration file settings.


The --ignore-table option is much more likely to be useful than is the --tables option. This option lets you ignore specific tables when dumping a database. For example, if you wish to dump nineteen of twenty tables in a database it is much easier to specify the one you wish to ignore rather than the nineteen that you are interested in.

1.5. The where Option

The --where option functions in much the same way that an SQL WHERE clause does, though it is more limited. This option is used in the following way:

shell> mysqldump db_name table_name -w 'field_name=value'

The use of quotation marks with the --where option is only required if there is white space in the WHERE clause.

This option is only useful if you are dumping the data from a table and are interested in a portion of that data. Since this option limits you to referencing only one table and cannot, for example, be used with a JOIN clause, the data that you can extract is somewhat limited. Fortunately, mysqldump is not the only way to export data to file. There are other methods of dumping data from a server typically using the MySQL client program.

1.6. The --xml Option

The --xml option doesn't really require a lot of explanation-it is used for creating an XML file. However, it does illustrate the point mentioned earlier; some options can save you a lot of work. Find below an example of what this option can do. What follows is the result of executing mysqldump sakila city -X (The sakila database is a demonstration database available for download from the MySQL site):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mysqldump xmlns:xsi="">
  <database name="sakila">
    <table_structure name="city">
      <field Field="city_id" Type="smallint(5) unsigned" Null="NO"
      Key="PRI" Extra="auto_increment" />
      <field Field="city" Type="varchar(50)" Null="NO" Key=""
      Extra="" />
      <field Field="country_id" Type="smallint(5) unsigned"
      Null="NO" Key="MUL" Extra="" />
      <field Field="last_update" Type="timestamp" Null="NO"
      Key="" Default="CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" Extra="" />
      <key Table="city" Non_unique="0" Key_name="PRIMARY"
          Column_name="city_id" Collation="A" Cardinality="427"
          Null="" Index_type="BTREE" Comment="" />
      <key Table="city" Non_unique="1" Key_name="idx_fk_country_id"
          Column_name="country_id" Collation="A" Cardinality="427"
          Null="" Index_type="BTREE" Comment="" />
      <options Name="city" Engine="InnoDB" Version="10"
          Rows="427"  Avg_row_length="115" Data_length="49152"
          Max_data_length="0"  Index_length="16384" Data_free="0"
          Auto_increment="601"  Create_time="2008-03-15 14:38:01"
          Collation="utf8_general_ci" Create_options=""
          Comment="InnoDB free: 4096 kB; (`country_id`)
          REFER `sakila/country`(`country_id`) ON UPD" />
    <table_data name="city">
        <field name="city_id">1</field>
        <field name="city">A Corua (La Corua)</field>
        <field name="country_id">87</field>
        <field name="last_update">2006-02-15 09:45:25</field>

For the sake of brevity this example shows only one record from the city table but the complete structure and contents are dumped. You can apply other options as you see fit. What you cannot change is the format of the output.

There is no mysqldump option to dump in HTML format. However, you can use the --html option with the MySQL client program, mysql, and redirect output to file. To dump both the CREATE statements for database objects and to dump the data as well, you will need to execute a number of SQL statements.

2. A Few Use Cases

As noted at the beginning of this article, the mysqldump command is most commonly used to back up the contents of a database server, migrate to another server or to dump a specific database. We have already seen how these tasks are accomplished. This section examines how some of the other options described here might be used.

2.1. Dumping Data Only

Suppose you have data in a MySQL table that you wish to copy into an existing table in a different RDBMS that does not support MySQL's extended INSERT syntax. Assuming that the table structures in the two different databases are identical, the appropriate options might be as follows:

shell> mysqldump db_name table_name --skip-opt --no-create-info > output.sql

Use the --skip-opt option to turn off --extended-insert; doing this ensures that individual INSERT statements are created for all the records in the specified table. The other options turned off by --skip-opt don't have any bearing in this situation so we can safely ignore them. Since we are only interested in the data we also want to suppress the DDL statements, hence the --no-create-info option.


Sometimes it is more useful to dump data into a text file of comma or tab separated values than to create a dump file of INSERT statements. To do this use a SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE statement.

2.2. Dumping the Database Structure Only

If your database contains test data then prior to copying the database to your production server, you may well want to dump the database structure, ignoring the data. This is easily done in the following way:

shell> mysqldump db_name --no-data > output.sql

Equally, you could remove all data prior to dumping the database, but in some circumstances you may wish to preserve data on your development server.

2.3. Comparing Table Data

Turning off the --extended-insert option is also useful if you want to compare data. Suppose you have the same table structure on different servers and you want to know how the data differs. You can dump the data from both tables and use a diff utility to determine the differences. Data comparison is much simpler if you turn off --extended-insert, creating a separate INSERT statement for each record. To ensure that both files are in the same order use the --order-by-primary option. This is also one of the rare occasions where you might also use the --skip-dump-date and --skip-comments options, thereby suppressing two differences between the dump files. (Unless you dump the files simultaneously, the dump dates will differ and the --comments option writes the host name to the dump file-given the current scenario, the host values will necessarily differ.)

shell> mysqldump db_name table_name --skip-opt \
  --order-by-primary --skip-dump-date --skip-comments > local.sql
shell> mysqldump db_name table_name -h remote_host --skip-opt \
  --order-by-primary --skip-dump-date --skip-comments > remote.sql

Since we are only interested in the data we could also turn off the creation of DDL statements by using the --no-create-info option but it is not strictly necessary and does make for an even more unwieldy command-line command.

2.3.1. Frequently Specified Options

If you do find that you are constantly using the same options and entering them at the command line becomes tedious, you can add them to your configuration file in the mysqldump section. When changing the options of a program such as mysqldump there is no need to restart the server-just change the configuration file. For example, if you are constantly skipping the opt group of options adjust your configuration file to read:


If and when you do need the opt group of options, switch them on by specifying --opt from the command line. The --opt option specified at the command line will negate the --skip-opt option in your configuration file because options specified at the command line take precedence over options specified in a configuration file.


The mysqldump command has exactly the same group of options related to configuration files as does the MySQL client. There is an option that displays the options that will be read from file and another option to override the default configuration file with another configuration file.

2.4. Ignoring Specific Tables

If you are converting data from a flat table database such as a spreadsheet, your development database may contain interim tables that you do not want to dump. The easiest solution would be to drop the interim tables from the database but there are circumstances where you may want to preserve such tables. For this situation use the following syntax:

shell> mysqldump db_name --ignore-table=db_name.interim_one \
  --ignore-table=db_name.interim_two > dump.sql

Each table that is being ignored must be specified separately and the database name and the table name must be specified.


Depending upon circumstances, it may be easier to dump data using the MySQL client program rather than by using mysqldump.

2.5. Standard SQL

In some circumstances you may want to remove MySQL-specific SQL. In this case you need to turn off the --create-options option because it includes the MySQL-specific table creation options. This option is one of the opt group of options so, again, the --skip-opt option is all that is needed.

shell> mysqldump db_name table_name --skip-opt > sqlite.sql

With --create-options turned off, non-standard keywords such as AUTO_INCREMENT and ENGINE are removed from the CREATE TABLE statement; if they are left in, table creation will fail for most other RDBMSes. However, turning --create-options off does not mean that the DDL statement will necessarily succeed. For example, if the original MySQL table contains an enum field, table creation will also fail.

The option --skip-opt also turns off --extended-insert creating separate INSERT statements for each record thereby making it possible to import the data into a SQLite database, for example. Depending upon the nature of your data and the table structure, migrating to a SQLite database may be as simple as taking the dump file 'as is' and issuing the following command:

shell> sqlite3 new_db < sqlite.sql

However, you may have to remove any SET statements that the dump file contains and change some data types. For example, any fields that are int will have to become integer.

If you only want to export data, the problem becomes much simpler.

The ability to export data and DDL statements in standard SQL can be very helpful if you maintain data in a MySQL database and regularly export it. For example, if you have an Android application that uses data from a MySQL database you must export it in a format compatible with SQLite. Such an export file can be used as a resource file in your Android application making it relatively easy to keep a MySQL and a SQLite database in sync.

If you are migrating to another RDBMS, then you should also examine the --compatible option. If you are migrating to PostgreSQL for example, you can issue the command mysqldump db_name --compatible=postgresql. This option doesn't guarantee full compatibility but will make the output more compatible with the target RDBMS.

3. Uploading To a Production Server

Earlier we noted that the file created by mysqldump is compatible across different OSes because it is plain text. Even the different line separators used by the different OSes don't usually cause any problems. However, you may run into version compatibility issues if you use one version of MySQL for your development database and a different one as your production server. For example, support for triggers was only introduced beginning with MySQL 5.0 so this type of database object cannot be used in MySQL version 4.1. However, if you take a little care in the design phase, you can easily avoid this type of issue.

If you have remote access to your production server then you may be able to upload your file from the command line on your local machine in the following fashion:

shell> mysql -h -u user_name -p  < dump.sql

Here the redirection option is used to copy the dump file to your production server. Unlike other examples given here, the example above shows the host, user name and password options. This is done to emphasize that these values are likely not the values contained in your local configuration file (and even if they were ...). If you have set up your my.ini or my.cnf file, then the values in that file are assumed to apply to the local development server not a remote production server. Your user name and password may be the same, but the host will certainly differ-by definition it cannot be localhost.

That said, it is quite likely that you will not be able to connect to an online server in the above fashion. For security reasons most servers are configured to accept connections only from localhost so uploading a dump file from a remote location may not be possible. Don't lose heart though-in this case you can copy your data file to the production server and then log in to the server hosting MySQL using ssh. Having logged in to the host server, you can then connect to the MySQL server locally and import the file from the command line.

3.1. Note About the Output of mysqldump

The file created by mysqldump is a MySQL script file and this file is, for the most part, readily intelligible. Typically a dump file recreates the database structure and populates the tables with data. However, the meaning of lines such as the following is not immediately evident.

  /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `table_name` DISABLE KEYS */;

The line above acts like a comment depending upon the version number of MySQL. It will execute if the dump file is imported into a version of MySQL later than version 4.0, otherwise it will be ignored. This is very helpful in assuring that the syntax of the dump file will be compatible across most versions of MySQL.

Additionally, this commenting style is typically ignored by other database servers so it should not interfere if you plan to use a dump file with a RDBMS other than MySQL.


These conditional comments do not guarantee that any file created by mysqldump will successfully import into any version of MySQL. For example, if you create database objects, such as views, that are not supported by an earlier version of MySQL, importation will fail.

3.2. Using phpMyAdmin

The more common scenario for uploading a dump file is to use a MySQL database management program such as phpMyAdmin. Files created by mysqldump can be imported using phpMyAdmin. The only obstacle that you may encounter is a limitation on the size of the dump file. HTTP servers usually impose limits on the size of files that can be uploaded and, since phpMyAdmin runs in a web browser, such limits would apply. This is often only a consideration when your database contains binary data and in such cases you can dump different tables to different dump files creating a series of smaller files. If files are still too large, you can break down table data files into smaller units using the --where option.

Another solution to this problem, is to copy the dump file to the server using an ftp program or a secure copy utility. Once the file is copied to the server you will need shell access to perform the installation from the command line as shown in Section 3, "Uploading To a Production Server".

4. The Limits of mysqldump

You have seen a number of examples of the kinds of files you might create using mysqldump and you've seen examples of how options might be combined but in no way is this a definitive treatment. As stated earlier, I would encourage you to examine all the features by using the --help option and by visiting the MySQL documentation website. You may find the exact option that suits your current needs.

The mysqldump command is especially useful for backing up data and copying the structure and contents of a database. It is also helpful for data transfer and to some extent for migrating to a different RDBMS. However, we have already seen that depending upon circumstances, the MySQL client might be a better way of dumping or viewing data.

If you wish to dump data derived from more than one table you might find it easier to use a SELECT INTO OUTFILE statement rather than mysqldump. Dumping data using the client program gives you the freedom to use joins and to select from more than one table. This is especially important if you plan to export to a flat file such as a spreadsheet. Alternately, you can create a view of the data you are interested in and use that view with a SELECT INTO OUTFILE statement.

When exporting data to spreadsheets you need to be able to create comma separated values (CSV) files. You can create a CSV file by using the --fields-terminated-by option with mysqldump. This option and related options such as --lines-terminated-by have the same meaning as they do in LOAD DATA INFILE statements and, while they can be used with mysqldump, they are better exploited using SELECT INTO OUTFILE statements.

5. About the Author

Peter Lavin is a technical writer who has been published in a number of print and online magazines. He is the author of Object Oriented PHP, published by No Starch Press and a contributor to PHP Hacks by O'Reilly Media.

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